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IBM Haifa LabsTechnion

Haifa Systems and Storage Conference 2007

IBM Haifa Labs

Virtualization Workshop Program

October 29, 2007
Organized by IBM Haifa Labs and the Technion

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09:00 Arrival, light refreshments

09:15 SYSTOR '07 Welcome Remarks,
Oded Cohn, Director, IBM Haifa Research Lab

09:30 GWiQ-P: An Efficient Decentralized Grid-Wide Quota Enforcement Protocol,
Kfir Karmon, Liran Liss and Assaf Schuster (Technion)

10:00 Storage Virtualization using a block-device File System,
Sorin Faibish, Stephen Fridella, Peter Bixby and Uday Gupta (EMC Corporation)

10:30 Lightning Talks Session:
Desktop Hypervisor,
Etay Bogner, Guy Zana and Yoav Weiss (Neocleus)

Self-Stabilizing Host Systems,
Shlomi Dolev and Reuven Yagel (Ben-Gurion University)

Hardware-based Fabric and I/O Virtualization with InfiniBand,
Yaron Haviv (Voltaire)

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Keynote: Future Directions in Advanced Storage Services,
Danny Dolev (HUJI)

12:30 Time Travel in the Virtualized Past: Cheap Fares and First Class Seats,
Liuba shrira (Brandeis University), Catherine van Ingen (Microsoft), and Ross Shaull (Brandeis University)

13:00 Virtual Machine Time Travel using Continuous Data Protection and Checkpointing,
Paula Ta-Shma, Guy Laden, Muli Ben-Yehuda and Michael Factor (IBM HRL)

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Robust paravirtualized IO drivers for the modern hypervisor,
Dor Laor (Qumranet)

15:00 Capability based Secure Access Control to Networked Storage Devices,
Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Eran Rom, Julian Satran and Sivan Tal (IBM HRL)

15:30 Keynote: Improving the Performance of Network Virtualization,
Willy Zwaenepoel (EPFL)

16:30 Virtualization Workshop Concluding Remarks,
Yaron Wolfsthal, Senior Manager, Systems Technologies and Tools, HRL

16:45 Sweet poster session with refreshments


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