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Program Chairs:

General Chair:

Steering Committee Head:

  • Yaron Wolfsthal, IBM

Steering Committee:

  • Michael Factor, IBM
  • Ethan Miller, University of California - Santa Cruz
  • Liuba Shrira, Brandeis University

Poster Session Chairs:

  • Peter Desnoyers, Northeastern U.
  • Ethan Miller, University of California - Santa Cruz

Publicity Chair:

  • Ettie Gilead, IBM

Program Committee:

  • Irfan Ahmad, CloudPhysics
  • Jonathan Appavoo, Boston U.
  • Yariv Aridor, Intel
  • Eitan Bachmat, Ben-Gurion U.
  • Mary Baker, HP Labs
  • Emery Berger, UMass Amherst
  • Tsahi Birk, Technion
  • Bill Bolosky, Microsoft Research
  • Andre Brinkmann, JGU Mainz
  • Randal Burns, Johns Hopkins U.
  • Dilma Da Silva, IBM Watson
  • Eyal DeLara, U. of Toronto
  • Peter Desnoyers, Northeastern U.
  • Shlomi Dolev, Ben-Gurion U.
  • Matan Erez, UT Austin
  • Yoav Etsion, BSC
  • Michael Factor, IBM Haifa
  • Christof Fetzer, TU Dresden
  • Roy Fridman, Technion
  • Tal Garfinkel, VMware
  • Sharon Goldberg, Boston U.
  • Thomas Gross, ETH Zurich
  • Maurice Herlihy, Brown U.
  • Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, IBM India
  • Gokul Kandiraju, IBM Watson
  • Alexander Kipp, U. of Stuttgart
  • Avi Mendelson, Microsoft
  • Ethan Miller, UC Santa Cruz
  • Alan Mislove, Northeastern U.
  • Gilles Muller, Inria
  • Toshio Nakatani, IBM Tokyo
  • Yale Patt, UT Austin
  • Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano
  • Donald Porter, Stony Brook U.
  • Raju Rangaswami, Florida Int'l U.
  • Luis Rodrigues, IST/INESC-ID
  • Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt
  • Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv U.
  • Avishay Traeger, IBM Haifa
  • Eran Tromer, Tel-Aviv U.
  • Martin Vechev, ETH Zurich
  • Andy Wang, Florida State U.
  • Ric Wheeler, Redhat
  • Eran Yahav, Technion
  • Yuanyuan Zhou, UC San Diego