SYSTOR 2025 Sponsor Levels:
- SYSTOR Silver Sponsor (1,000$ minimum)
Benefits include:- A company name, logo, and URL on the SYSTOR website, call for paper, advance program,
final program, registration page and the ACM proceedings - Company logo on publicity flyers and displayed on-site
- Public acknowledgement in opening remarks
- A company name, logo, and URL on the SYSTOR website, call for paper, advance program,
- SYSTOR Gold Sponsor (2,500$ minimum)
In addition to the Silver Sponsor benefits:- A medium company logo
- Company name and logo on a SYSTOR giveaway (for instance, on a T-shirt)
- A coffee break will be designated as being partially or fully sponsored by your company to increase visibility
- SYSTOR Platinum Sponsor (4,000$ minimum)
In addition to the Gold Sponsor benefits:- A Large company logo, name, URL on the SYSTOR website, call for paper, advance program,
final program, registration page and the ACM proceedings - One-page image promotional flyer or in the e-program book Your company will be credited for
sponsoring either a SYSTOR social event, a best paper award, a student travel grant, or a poster session - Honorary mention as the sponsor of one keynote session and display of company logo in
keynote session waiting room. - Welcome Reception naming will be designated as being partially or fully sponsored by your
company to increase visibility
- A Large company logo, name, URL on the SYSTOR website, call for paper, advance program,
Supporters’ names and logos in SYSTOR publications will appear in the order of their contribution level.
Company name and logo will appear on giveaways, and advertisements if support is offered before an
order is placed. For more information, please contact